God's Work at St. George'sStewardship Campaign 2021 Our Mission: To live as a Christ-centered community that proclaims the love of God to all people. |
2020 has been a year like no other in living memory. Covid-19 emerged early in the year, really took hold here on Vancouver Island in March, and transformed the ways we interact and communicate. Staying at home except for essential errands, wearing masks to protect (and be protected from) others, no large indoor gatherings (hence no more services in the church), and more all occurred. We became familiar with “flattening the curve” and being in “bubbles”. A travel advisory - no non-essential travel outside the country - was issued by the government of Canada, and is still in place. Routine travel beyond our own communities was discouraged. In the midst of this pandemic, St. George’s many programs have largely continued, although with many adaptations. You will be aware of the most noticeable - church services have continued, but online by Zoom and, during the summer, outdoors under the maple tree. Although we love our church building, this has given real meaning that at its essence the church is the community of people who carry out our many ministries and programs, not the buildings in which we gather. Parishioners were put into “Cottage” groups that could keep in touch by telephone and/or email. The idea was to ensure that nobody was isolated and without contact with others due to being sequestered at home. Further, some members were willing and able to help meet the needs of anyone in the group (e.g. for shopping, getting to appointments, etc.). Chat Groups on Zoom that follow the Sunday Zoom services have also provided some much needed social times for many parishioners. These unprecedented changes did result in some reductions in usual operating expenses once we closed the buildings in mid-March. For example, we reduced janitorial services, photocopying, utilities, and used fewer supplies for office, washrooms, coffee time, Chancel Guild, to name a few. As well there were less expenses in both staff and supplies for some Children, Youth and Family programs. However, for the most part our staffing costs (always representing the lion’s share of our overall budget) have been constant as Elizabeth, Leslie, Marlon and Vicky continued with Zoom services and the extensive support they continued to provide in spite of the closed buildings. As we open the church to in-person, in-building services in mid-November, many of the temporarily reduced costs will return, and in fact some will increase from the (former) norm. All this said, regarding reduced expenses, we also have less income, as rentals were suspended in mid-March, and usual fund raising efforts of the Spring Fling and the Christmas Fair are virtually nil for 2020 and are largely unknown for 2021 as we await a vaccine and hopefully the end of the pandemic. Some of you may be aware that the Diocesan Office arranged for two months of government subsidies in the spring and we were hopeful for more. However, although unknown at this point, some or all of those two subsidy payments may be clawed back as the Diocesan Office and the government try to assess and balance the needs of the many parishes within our Diocese. As noted above, St. George’s continues to live out its mission statement: To live as a Christ-centered community that proclaims the love of God to all people. To achieve this mission requires not only the commitment of skills and time from its people, but also continuing financial support to meet the expenses set out in our budget each year. Therefore, we ask parishioners to indicate their financial support for the coming year of 2021 by means of a pledge. Just like last year, your pledges can be made securely online. Pledging online is environmentally-friendly and saves both mailing and administrative costs. We ask that you submit your online Pledge Card by November 17, 2020. Only our Envelope Secretary has access to your Pledge Card. If you prefer to receive a paper pledge form, contact Vicky in the Office at admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca or 250-472-2090. Please read on for more information about Stewardship 2021: |
---Outdoor summer worship under the Maple tree |
---Marjorie and Darlene in the Community Garden |
---Junior Youth Group at Maynard Park |
Giving Thanks for Today & Looking Ahead to Tomorrow
How are we being called to walk forward in our mission today?
Faith in Formation
Faith in Foundation
“The ongoing work of the diocese (and its parishes); our work we are currently doing that we need to continually be nurturing and enhancing.”
Our Financial Goal
Our financial goal for 2021 is to increase our pledged income by 2-3% in order to accommodate annual inflation, to support our growing Children, Youth, and Young Adult Ministries, and to help replace fund raising income with general offerings income. Considering that incomes and circumstances change, and that some members are no longer with us or may need to reduce their giving, we ask that those who can afford to do so consider a 5% increase to help us maintain our current level. New members are asked to join us in pledging. Your continued financial support throughout the current pandemic and as we continue to weather these stormy seas is indeed appreciated. Thank you! Yours in Christ, St. George’s Leadership Team |
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