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Setting SailWeek of 16 Feb 2025 -- INSIDE THIS ISSUE -- Walk with care! Annual Vestry Meeting (or AGM!) Men's Breakfast Community Conversations Holden Evening Prayer Shrove Tuesday Ash Wednesday Lenten Spiritual Reflections Victoria's Quilts Canada Kathleen von Känel receives Herbert Kent Award Monthly Outreach Karren Stinson Bursary Tea & Tour at the Parliament Buildings is back! Prayer in the style of Taizé @ Abbey Church/Emmaus Community Attic Treasures Vintage Market @ St. Luke's Dessert & Silent Auction Sweet fundraiser! @ Church of the Advent Messy Church @ St. Peter Lakehill Taizé Prayer @ St Philip Oak Bay Image: Caillebotte, Gustave, 1848-1894, "Fruit Displayed on a Stand" (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, MA) (link) |
Territorial Acknowledgment
St George’s Cadboro Bay respectfully acknowledges the land we stand and pray on. The soil here holds the history and footsteps of the lək̓ʷəŋən peoples. On the traditional territory of the Songhees, Esquimalt and W̱SÁNEĆ peoples, we uphold the hopeful and healing spirit of reconciliation. We promise to walk with truth and love in those footprints that connect and ground us. |
Sunday Worship
8am and 10am services are in person. Click here to view this week's bulletin Meeting ID 10am - 939 7445 8594 --- Connecting by phone to Zoom worship: 1. Call 1 (778) 907-2071 2. It will ask for the Meeting ID 3. If it asks for your participant ID: enter # 4. You will be connected to the worship service via your phone! 5. To mute and unmute yourself, hit *6. |
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This Week at Saint George's
Monday - Friday 8AM-5PM - ArtsCalibre Academy - Upper & Lower Halls
Saturday 15 February 8:30-9:30AM - Men's Breakfast - Narthex
Sunday 16 February 8:00AM - Holy Eucharist (BCP)
Monday 17 February 4-5PM - Centering Prayer - Lady Chapel
Tuesday 18 February 3:45-6:15PM - Victoria Children's Choir - Church 7-9PM - Parish Council Meeting - Church 8-10PM - Historical Combat Collective - Upper Hall
Wednesday 19 February 5-6:30PM - Holden Prayer & Dinner - Church 6:30-8:30PM - Community Conversation - Church 6:30-8PM - Girl Guides - Lower Hall
Thursday 20 February 10AM-12PM - Prayer Shawl - Narthex 5:30-7:30PM - Irish Dancers - Upper Hall 3:45-7:45PM - Victoria Children's Choir - Church |
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Walk with care!
With the fresh sprinkling of snow we've recieved, the parking lot is a bit icy. We have shoveled and are laying down salt/de-icer, but wanted to extend a reminder to walk with care while it's still a bit slippery out there. Image: Aaron Burden |
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Annual Vestry Meeting (or AGM!)Update & Report Booklet Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the parishioners of this parish will be held on the 23rd day of February 2025, at 11:30am in the church for the purpose of the Annual General Meeting of St. George the Martyr Cadboro Bay. The regular zoom link will remain open so you can participate that way as well. All active members of the parish are welcome and invited to vote. CLICK HERE for the Annual Report booklet, an important record of parish ministries through the year. |
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Men's BreakfastSaturday, February 15 - 8:30am At our February 15th breakfast, Jeanette Muzio will discuss Weapons of Math Destruction. No knowledge of mathematics is needed, but an interest in how decisions that affect our lives are being made not by humans but by machines is. Many of the mathematical models used are unregulated, incontestable, often wrong, and reinforce societal discrimination. If you plan on attending, RSVP Bruce Winter @ labs4ever@gmail.com. Image: Zen Chung |
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Community Conversations"Moving With the Winds of God" - Wednesday, February 19 - 6:30pm Building on the work we did at our Parish Retreat, "Moving With the Winds of God" in November, 2024, this is an opportunity to continue and deepen community conversations about what matters to us in the parish. Using an "Open Space" format, participants will have the opportunity to bring forward specific topics for discussion. CLICK HERE for the report about the latest Building and Grounds discussions, held Wed. January 29. We expect these discussions about our facilities will continue, along with "how we can be more welcoming to younger people." |
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Holden Evening PrayerAnd Community Dinner - Wednesday, February 19 - 5pm Holden Prayer continues at 5pm. Join us for the contemporary sung service followed by a community meal. All are welcome to the service, meal, or both. |
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Shrove TuesdayPancake Dinner - Tuesday, March 4, 2025 You are invited on Shrove Tuesday, March 4 at 5:30 pm to the Lower Hall for our Annual Parish Pancake Dinner. Bring your appetite! Free for all! Please RSVP to admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca so that we know how many people to cook for. Please include dietary restrictions with your RSVP. Men’s Breakfast “Kitchen Team” will be hosting. Volunteers: please contact Lawrence at lawrence.saracuse@gmail.com |
Ash WednesdayHolden Evening Prayer meets the Imposition of Ashes - Wednesday, March 5, 2025 We enter Lent on Wed. March 5 at 5:00pm with a combined service of Holden Prayer with the Imposition of Ashes in a contemplative style. We gather to lament the many difficulties in our lives and in our world, and to reflect on the uncertainty and frailty of human life alongside the freedom we know in God's great love. Join us for this time of prayerful reflection. |
Lenten Spiritual ReflectionsWednesdays March 12, 19, and 26 - 9:45am What Do You Believe? There is the story of Charles Blondin, a tightrope walker who asked a crowd if they believed he could safely walk a wheelbarrow across Niagara Falls on a tightrope. Most of the crowd said they did believe he could do this. Then he asked who was willing to get in the wheelbarrow. For these three weeks we will explore what it is that we actually, personally believe. Questions like do you believe in miracles, and if so, what do they look like? Who, really, is God? What parts of the Bible do you believe? What happens when we die? Is there a heaven and if so, what is the entrance exam? And many more. No right answers, no wrong questions. We are all on the journey. Come to any or all of the sessions. Hosted by The Ven. Eric Partridge March 12, 19, and 26, 2025 |
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Victoria's Quilts CanadaMaking and delivering comfort since 1999! For 25 years, Victoria's Qulits Canada has been bringing comfort to people living with cancer; they have delivered over 104,000 quilts at no cost to those who request or receive quilts. The quilting group that meets in St. George's Narthex on the second Monday of every month is part of this organization. If you would like to order a quilt for someone you know who is going through a cancer journey, or if you would like to make a donation to Victoria's Quilts Canada, please visit their website at www.victoriasquiltscanada.com. |
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Kathleen von Känel receives Herbert Kent Award
The BC Choral Federation (BCCF) is pleased to announce Kathleen von Känel as the latest recipient of the Herbert Kent Award, which recognizes long-term participation and outstanding commitment to choral music. Kathleen has contributed significantly to the choral community through her 15 years with Ensemble Laude. Beyond her role as a dedicated alto, she has supported the choir by coordinating concert publicity, securing sponsorships, overseeing wardrobe, emceeing concerts, and organizing hospitality for events. One fellow singer writes: “Kathleen doesn’t just participate, she leads - with her heart and soul shining love, integrity, and wisdom… Kathleen has been a gift to the Laude community in every way, as fellow singer, leader, and friend.” Her work has helped strengthen Ensemble Laude’s presence in the community, ensuring professional presentation and fostering connections that have supported the choir’s growth. Kathleen’s efforts reflect the qualities celebrated by the Herbert Kent Award, and her contributions will continue to resonate within the choral community. [Photos by Monika Rose] |
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Monthly OutreachUmbrella Society The Umbrella Society was formed because one man, who struggled with addiction issues, needed help, and was fortunate enough to receive it. They have been providing mental health and substance use supports to individuals, and their loved ones, since 2000. Their services include outreach, recovery housing, counselling, groups, harm reduction, education, and advocacy. The team meets people wherever they are at in their journey and provides meaningful support to help individuals meet their goals as they chart their journey toward reduction and/or abstinence. https://www.umbrellasociety.ca/ The Social Justice and Outreach Team [SJOT] ask for your support and prayers in the month of February for the Umbrella Project that reaches out to our local community. For more infomation visit:
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Karren Stinson Bursaryfor Lutherans and Anglicans based in Western Canada The Karren Stinson Bursary Fund celebrates the life of a parish worker at Lutheran Church of the Cross, the late Karren Louise Stinson. The purpose of this $1000 Bursary Fund is to give financial assistance to Lutherans and Anglicans based in Western Canada who are currently involved in post-secondary education leading to a vocation of service. Deadline is 31 March 2025. Click below for more information! For more infomation visit:
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Tea & Tour at the Parliament Buildings is back!Explore history & significance of the Legislative Assembly of BC Come to the Parliamentary Dining Room for light breakfast and morning tea followed by a guided tour with a costumed member of the Parliamentary Players Program. It's only $16.50 per person (tax included). The guided tour portion is FREE. Tea & Tour is aimed at engaging all citizens in the role, history, and function of the BC Parliament Buildings. Click below for more info and registration. Multiple dates to choose from. For more infomation visit: http://stgeorgecadborobay.ca/events/tea-tour-at-the-parliament-buildings/2025-02-06
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Prayer in the style of Taizé @ Abbey Church/Emmaus CommunityFriday, February 14th - 6pm Join us TODAY for candles, chants and prayer in the way of Taize. This month's Taizé is on February 14th at Abbey Church/Emmaus Community located downtown in the former First Metropolitan Church (932 Bamoral Rd, Victoria - Quadra St. entrance). Click below for more info and future dates. For more infomation visit: http://stgeorgecadborobay.ca/news/prayer-in-the-style-of-taize
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Attic Treasures Vintage Market @ St. Luke'sSaturday, February 15th - 10am to 4pm Vintage Fashion Showcase presents an Attic Treasures Vintage Market in St. Luke’s Community Hall, 3821 Cedar Hill X Road. Come and have some fun at a multi-vendor vintage market! A variety of items will be for sale including vintage clothing, antiques, housewares, jewelry and accessories, collectibles, and curiosities. Find some treasures for yourself or for a special gift! |
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Dessert & Silent Auction Sweet fundraiser! @ Church of the AdventSaturday February 15th - 7pm The Church of the Advent (510 Mt View Ave, Victoria) is raising funds for the Goldstream Food Bank and the church, with a Live Auction of gourmet desserts and a Silent Auction with an array of items from local businesses and parishioners. Everyone is welcome at this evening of fun and merriment! Your $5 ticket includes beverages and snacks. Call the Church Office at 250-474-3031 for tickets, or to reserve a table for your group. |
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Messy Church @ St. Peter LakehillFriday, February 21st - 5pm Join St. Peter's, Lakehill on the third Friday of every month, 5-7pm. Messy Church is a program for people of ALL AGES. We spend our time singing, praying, playing, making crafts, and at the end of the program provide a simple meal to share together. If you are interested in joining us, please contact Brenda at messychurch@twosaintschurch.ca or leave a message at 250-384-7757. Our website address is: www.twosaintschurch.ca For future dates, click the button below For more infomation visit: http://stgeorgecadborobay.ca/events/messy-church-st-peter-lakehill/2025-02-21
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Taizé Prayer @ St Philip Oak BayThursday, February 27th - 7pm Taizé Prayer at St Philip, a renewed and loved tradition, returns monthly on the 4th Thursday of every month! All are welcome to St Philip Oak Bay (St Philip Anglican Church, 2928 Eastdowne Rd (at Neil)) for a candlelit service of song, silence, and contemplation, in the style of the Taizé Community. Click the button below for future dates and more information. For more infomation visit: http://stgeorgecadborobay.ca/news/invitation-to-taize-prayer-at-st-philip-oak-bay-2024-25
Looking for the daily/weekly lectionary?
Click this link to access the Anglican lectionary. It will default to the current day. If you want to look for future readings, select a new date by clicking where it will say the current date i.e. "2024-07-21" and it will pop up with a calendar to click on a new date! |
More Events and News on Our Website!
There are more events and news than we could include in this newsletter. Please check out our events and news page on our website that lists everything going on in our community and beyond! |
Office Information
Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10 am-3 pm. Incumbent: Rev. Christine Conkin (she/her) Parish Administrator: Amanda Unrau (she/her) Wardens: Jennifer Handley, John Oldale & Sheila Hofmeyr |