At St. George’s, the Social Justice and Outreach Team has two main goals:
To help raise funds to support organizations that are doing valuable work, especially those which target marginalized groups.
To develop an education/awareness component on issues of pressing social concern, to benefit our parish and community members.
Each month, we invite the congregation to support a different organization by making a donation via a “Special Offering Envelope” (the blue envelopes) during Offertory on Sundays. Also, the last Sunday of every month is “Outreach Sunday,” when all open offerings (money not in an numbered envelope) are donated to that month’s outreach organization.
For 2024 the Monthly Outreach Charities are:
JANUARY - St. John The Divine Food Bank
FEBRUARY - South Island Counselling
APRIL - Victoria Women's Transition House Society
MAY – Victoria Native Friendship Centre
JUNE – PWRDF Gaza Relief
JULY – Shekinah Homes Society
AUGUST - Red Cross Wildfire Relief Fund
SEPTEMBER - Anglican Indigenous Healing Fund
OCTOBER - Anglican Awareness
NOVEMBER - St. George's Refugee Sponsorship
And for 2025 we have lined up so far:
JANUARY - Victoria Hand Project
FEBRUARY - Umbrella
MARCH - Alongside Hope
APRIL - Diocesan North Island Ministry (TBD)
MAY - GVAT (Greater Victoria Acting Together)