- Online catalogue - click column headings to sort by title, author, call number etc. or search by typing in the 'Search this library' box (not 'search this site').
What's new?
- The latest additions to the catalogue can always be viewed here - scroll down for 'Most recent activity'. Or click on the catalogue's Entry Dates column heading to sort by most recent accessions, here.
We are always looking for suggestions and donations. Suggestions will be added to our online wish list. Donated books will be added to the online catalogue, processed and put into circulation as soon as possible. Duplicates or books that don't fit our collecting mandate will be taken to the Churchmouse book shop at St Mary's Oak Bay.
Thinking of donating a book? Wondering what we need? Thank you! You may find it useful to have a look at our catalogue, wish list and deaccessioned list.