Prayer support at St. George’s comes in many forms, as we reach out in love to those in need of extra comfort, acknowledgement, and encouragement. To arrange a confidential visit from the Pastoral Care Team or a member of the clergy, to request prayer support of any kind, or to learn about joining our ministry teams in uplifting the community, please contact the church office at 250-472-2090 or by email.
Sunday Morning Prayer Ministry
Our Prayer Ministry Team invites you to share your burdens and receive the comfort of private prayer. We are there for you during Communion at each 10am service, in the privacy and stillness of The Lady Chapel (adjacent to the Sanctuary). Prayer by request (Prayers of the People) are included at all services; to have a loved one's name, or your own, included in the Prayers of the People, please add it to the brown book located just inside the main doors of the church.
St. George’s Electronic Prayer Chain
When a member of our parish is in need or has a friend or relative for whom prayer is needed, that name is given to the prayer chain (with the person’s permission). Our team holds each of these names in our hearts, minds, and prayers. Sometimes we hear of answers to prayer, and this brings us great joy and encouragement.
Centering Prayer
Our Centering Prayer group meets every week. Each meeting opens with a short reading, followed by a chant or prayer. We then practice 20 minutes of silence as an opportunity to move into profound silence which creates a spiritual space to rest in God. After the 20 minutes, the practice is closed by saying The Grace.
Prayer Shawls
On the first and third Tuesdays of each month, members of the Prayer Shawl Ministry gather to pray, to knit, and to share. Together, they combine the gifts of their hearts and their hands into a prayerful ministry that reaches out to those in need of comfort and solace. Their love and their prayers are woven into the very fabric of the shawls that they create. Once completed, the shawls are passed around the gathered knitting circle for prayers of blessing, then brought to church and presented as gifts at the altar for a final blessing. Once blessed, the Prayer Shawls are available through the Church office and may be given to anyone who is suffering in body, mind, or spirit. New members are always welcome to join in this ministry.
For more information, please contact Marjorie Sager at 250-472-2090 or by email.