The British Columbia Floods & Extreme Weather Appeal:
Your Outreach Team has discussed the current devastating flood situation affecting so many people within BC, and we ask you to please support this Special Outreach project during the month of December.
We realise many demands can be made on us at this time of year, but we know that the Federal and Provincial matching of donated funds will bring an increased impact to so many in dire need right now.
The Red Cross information below is taken from their website, giving more detailed news of the matching donations.
“The best way to support people impacted by the recent floods and extreme weather in British Columbia is through a financial donation.
The Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia will each match every dollar donated to the Canadian Red Cross 2021 British Columbia Floods & Extreme Weather Appeal which means that every $1 donated will become $3 to support those affected by the floods and extreme weather. The Government of Canada and the Province of British Columbia will match all donations made by individuals and corporations between November 17 and December 26, 2021.
Donations will enable the Red Cross to carry out immediate and ongoing relief efforts, long-term recovery, resiliency, and risk reduction activities in and beyond the region at the individual and community levels."
Thank you for donating to this Special December Project. By reaching out to the many who are impacted in this unprecedented event, we hope to make a difference now, and help their future recovery.
We will continue to support our monthly local agency, Period Project, however we also felt we needed to act immediately toward the extreme situation occurring in BC right now.
Thank you for your continued support.
The Outreach Team.