Registration is open for this year's Amazing Journey 2020 Virtual Camp. This is an online summer adventure designed for active kids! The program is for children who have completed Grades 1 to 5. It will be an online morning program on July 6 to July 10 from 10 - 11 am, with an on-screen large gathering, familiar small group break-outs, and fun individual challenges.
Everyone will receive their own Caboodle Kit filled with everything they will need to participate in our fun filled virtual camp from home. Download poster below for more information.
You can register online at this link. If you wish to make an e-transfer, please contact Lutheran Church of the Cross at or call 250-477-6222.
The registration form is also available below to download as a Word document or pdf. If you wish to type in the document, first save the Word document to your computer and then type in it. Once completed print the registration form and sign it. Completed registration forms with registration fees can be returned to: Lutheran Church of the Cross: 3787 Cedar Hill Rd, Victoria, BC V8P 3Z4
Make cheques payable to Lutheran Church of the Cross. Please write “Amazing Journey” on the memo line. Completed registration forms can also be scanned and e-mailed to with payment made by e-transfer to
Fees are $15/child or $40/family (3 or more children). Deadline to register is Monday, June 22.