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Your Parish Council has been meeting regularly virtually.  The Council's working groups have been focused on:

  • Communication: In addition to general communication tasks, creating a quarterly newsletter for all Cadboro Bay Area residents (Ian Grant, Angela Buckingham, Peter Rowand, Vicky Hayward-Wrench)
  • Fostering Community Relationships: contacting Village merchants, Cadboro Bay Residents' Association, rental groups, and more to be make connections and determine needs (Gary Fisher, Don Walls, Cedric Trueman, Liz Walker) 
  • Resources for Ministry: Thinking outside the box for ideas to continue to connect with each other as a Parish, and also fundraise within our present reality.  Unfortunately, the Spring Fair was cancelled, but we're hoping to organize more small events, such as garden tours, and "car boot" sales (Joy Carroll, Pat Gerrand)
  • Sacred Spaces:  Long term maintenance plan, Safety Plan and other priorities (Patti Freeman, Bruce Winter, Colin Millar, Marion Parker)


The Sacred Spaces Working Group has discussed various suggestions from parishioners regarding the church buildings and grounds. We have decided to begin by starting a "wilderness" garden on the west side of the church property, close to where a footpath eventually will be laid. Early this summer we will break ground there to plant a new shrub. Our long-term goal is to complete a long-term maintenance plan and a maintenance schedule for St. George's buildings. 

The Sacred Spaces Working Group members would like to say a big thank you to David Handley for the myriad hours he has put into the Memorial Garden, ripping out weeds and tidying it up -- all from the goodness of his heart and without being asked. Thank you, David, for all your hard work!