This September is bringing a little change to St. George's Youth Programming. We're excited to announce that we've split the Youth Group into two different groups: one for grades 6-9 and one for grades 9-12 (those in grade 9 can decide which group suits them better).
The Junior Youth Group (gr. 6-9) is part of the Wider Area Anglican Youth Victoria program and aims to connect young Christians, explore spirituality, and have fun! This group will be held on Wednesday nights at 6:30pm in our Youth Space (freshly painted and re-done) located on the stage in the Upper Hall. It will be led by experienced leaders Clay Gustavsen and Teaghan Atkins.
The Senior Youth Group (gr. 9-12) is a safe space where you can come as you are and be accepted and included, ask questions, receive support and have real conversations about spirituality and life. This group will be led by Jaime Millar with support from Leslie Flynn (Family Life Coordinator). This group will meet on Sundays in the Narthex at 7pm.
Got questions? Email Leslie, our Family Life Coordinator, at