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The Social Justice and Outreach Team had chosen to support this agency long before the recent tragic news. Hundreds of unmarked graves found at residential schools is unfathomable to us. Let us hold these children and their families in our hearts and prayers.


We have taken the following words directly from the website to give you concise information, and we are sure that many more projects of support will be arising due to this recent news.

· “For more than 25 years, the Anglican Healing Fund has financially supported local, community-led healing projects.”

· “It was founded as a response to the on-going legacy of the residential school system.”

· “Grants from the healing fund are made to encourage and initiate programs that help healing of language loss, cultural abuse and other forms of hurt and oppression.”

To donate money to this month's outreach:

  • give directly online here

  • if you have an envelope number through St. George's, please mail in or drop off your blue outreach envelope any time to: 3909 St. George's Lane, Victoria, BC, V8N 4E3. 

  • or there is a collection plate at the in person services on a table near the sign in station. 

The work of this Outreach agency is a poignant reminder to us all of the pain and loss suffered by Indigenous people throughout Canada. Please prayerfully consider donating to this healing project. With thanks from the Social Justice and Outreach Team.