God's Work at St. George's
Stewardship Campaign 2025

As a community, we strive to make a difference in the world through compassionate living, learning from our mistakes, and being willing to move to the edge of our comfort zones.

We welcome all, however people identify, whatever road they've traveled, and wherever they are in their journey of life and faith.


Image: Akil Mazumder

My Pledge


What is a pledge?

A pledge is a commitment to give money to St. George’s regularly. By submitting a pledge, you assist St. George's in creating an accurate budget for the upcoming year and planning how we fund ministries. 

How do I pledge?

You complete the online Pledge Card by clicking THIS LINK, filling out the form and pressing SUBMIT at the bottom. Or, if you'd rather have a hard-copy Pledge Card, please request one from the Church Office and returning it to the church office.

What would be a ‘reasonable’ amount?

The biblical tithe was 10%, but 5% of income is often used today as a suggested amount. In 2023, the average donation was $57/week. We know that circumstances change and that not all pledges can be fulfilled in full. Please give a reasonable estimate, given what you know now.

How much do I get back through a tax savings?

In BC, for every dollar given, you will get a tax credit of 46 cents. 

Why is making a pledge important?

Each year our Treasurer, Lawrence, prepares a budget. He can do this best if he has realistic information on what our offerings are going to be for the coming year.

Do I need to pledge if I am not changing the amount from last year? 


Do I need to pledge if I am giving by direct deposit?


Who knows how much I pledge?

Only the Envelope Secretary knows the names of those that pledge and the amount of their pledges. This information is confidential and is not shared with the clergy, stewardship team, or parish leadership.

What is the advantage of Direct Deposit/Auto-Remittance?

"Direct deposit" or "auto-remittance" is an automatic payment that transfers to St. George's from your bank account or credit card monthly. It provides the best means of continuity in parish income and in our giving.

How do I initiate, or change, a Direct Deposit/Auto-Remittance?

Please request a Pre-authorized Debit/Deposit Form by contacting the Church Office at admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca or 250-472-2090. If there is no change, you do not need to fill out a new form; your givings will continue on the same as last year.

How much was pledged last year and what changes were there?   

The number and amount of pledges received for the last five years are shown below.

              Year                   2019                  2020                  2021                   2022                   2023

       Pledges               80                 79                  86                    70                  65

               Total             $221,406       $214,096       $230,528        $223,910       $194,542

       Avg Pledge         $2,768           $2710            $2680             $3198             $2922

What if I have questions that you haven’t addressed?

Please contact the Parish Administrator, at 250-472-2090 or admin@stgeorgecadborobay.ca.

Stewardship Video

As a long-time member of St. Georges Parish, former warden and over the years a participant in several ministries within our church community, I find myself reflecting as we greet a new year in the fiscal life of our church.

I am particularly focussed on our logo and its symbolism. It is a boat in full sail on water that does not at once appear calm. It is sturdy and well constructed. It represents our church. Upon further examination, I can see it is being well guided by its occupants. They are good mariners and stewards of the craft.

In our lives as Christians, the metaphor of the boat appears multiple times in the scriptures. Many events in Christ’s life have reference to the sea, water and boats. Well before his time there was the story of the Ark. Noah heard the voice of God instructing him to build a vessel big and strong enough to withstand the onslaught of wind and pounding waves. It must be built to carry all creatures of the earth with the promise of survival and salvation.

The metaphor of a boat resonates differently for each of us. For me, it represents the promise not only of salvation, but forgiveness and new beginnings. It is a place of safety and community. It is where I experience connection to our fellow travellers on life’s journey. It is where friendship, faith, and trust are forged. It is where times of joy and sorrow are shared.

In many ways our church is like this boat. It needs constant care and maintenance. At St. Georges we are blessed with those people who help navigate us through the changing tides and seasons. These are our priest, our honorary assistant clergy, music director, parish administrator. We owe thanks to the many who so willingly volunteer their gifts of time and service. They are our treasurer, our wardens and parish council and the leaders of the ministries we share with those within and outside our church community.

To be effective in all these endeavours we need to be aware of changing times and needs. To keep the ship in good shape we each must prayerfully consider our annual pledge. A pledge to enhance and continue the good work of stewardship with gifts and service.

I encourage each and all to contemplate faithfully how best to fulfill the promises we make to our church, our community and outreach commitments near and far, but first and foremost to our God.

Brenda Sorley

Automatic Donation Form
PAR Form

Access the form by clicking this link.

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Gallery of Stewardship

Holden Prayer & Dinner

Holden Prayer is held monthly through the year. Meals were held after the services, building community with the Inclusive Christians group from UVic. 

Maundy Thursday Dinner

We gathered for dinner and to commemorate the commandment of Christ that his disciples should emulate his loving humility in the washing of the feet.

Blessing of the Animals

Halloween at St. George's